Gathered Filter

Starting in v2.11.0, the modules belonging to this collection that behave like network resource modules all support a gathered_filter parameter. Where present, this parameter provides advanced filtering for PAN-OS objects beyond simple name matching.

The gathered_filter Option

The gathered_filter parameter is essentially a mini rules engine, allowing users to specify potentially very complex logic to retrieve information on PAN-OS objects present. Features such as arbitrary field searching and regular expressions are all supported.

The generic syntax for the value of this paramater looks likie this:


Parenthesis between conditions are supported.

Each condition in the logic has the following format:

[not] field [operator [value]]


Fields supported are the fields of the module itself supports, as is related to the pan-os-python object being configured by the module. Besides the object’s fields, there are a few other special fields that are supported.

  • true: Always True.

  • false: Always False.

  • *: This is a shortcut that returns everything.

Attempting to match against a field name that is part of a parent (read: the XPATH) will result in an error. As an example, one could not retrieve all address objects across all vsys. The vsys, which is part of the parent XPATH, must be fixed, and the searching happens underneath that.


There are two scenarios: an operator that expects a value and one that doesn’t.

Operators - No Value

  • is-none: True if the field is python None

  • is-not-none: True if the field is not python None

  • is-true: True if the field evaluates to True in a boolean context in python.

  • is-false: True if the field evaluates to False in a boolean context in python.

Operators - Requires a Value

For any of the regex operators, please refer to the python documentation on the re library.

All regex searches are using, so use anchoring the limit the regex to the front or end of the field’s value as appropriate.

Note that the tokens in the gathered_filter parameter are split using shlex, so quotes can be used if a literal space character needs to be matched in the value.

  • ==: True if field equals value

  • !=: True if field does not equal value

  • <: (int/float) True if field is less than value (value is cast to a float)

  • <=: (int/float) True if field is less than or equal to value (value is cast to a float)

  • >: (int/float) True if field is greater than value (value is cast to a float)

  • >=: (int/float) True if field is greater than or equal to value (value is cast to a float)

  • contains: (string/list) True if value is in field.

  • does-not-contain: (string/list) True if value is not in field

  • starts-with: (string) True if field starts with value

  • does-not-start-with: (string) True if field does not start with value

  • ends-with: (string) True if field ends with value

  • does-not-end-with: (string) True if field does not end with value

  • matches-regex: (string) True if, field) finds a hit.

  • does-not-match-regex: (string) True if, field) finds nothing.

  • contains-regex: (list) True if the value regex matches any item in field.

  • does-not-contain-regex: (list) True if the value regex does not match any item in field.

Return Values

The two return values of gathered and gathered_xml are still used, but gathered is now a list of dicts instead of a dict, and gathered_xml is a list of strings instead of a string.

Even if the match criteria returns zero results, as long as there is no syntax error, this module will not return an error.


Example - Match All

These all do the same thing, listed from fastest to slowest.

gathered_filter: '*'
gathered_filter: 'true'
gathered_filter: 'name matches-regex .*?'

Example - Matching a Suffix

gathered_filter: 'description ends-with _sales'

Example - Matching Two Things

gathered_filter: 'description starts-with DMZ or description ends-with " New Zealand"'

Example - Searching Within Listings

gathered_filter: 'interfaces contains ethernet1/1'

Example - Groupings

gathered_filter: 'name ends-with _dmz and (tag is-false or description is-false)'