Getting Started

In this activity you will:

  • Log into Google Cloud Platform
  • Launch the Google Cloud Shell
  • Create a new GCP project

Log into Google Cloud Platform

Using your web browser, navigate to

Log in using your Google Cloud Platform credentials. If you do not have a GCP account you can create one at Google login

Click Accept on the logon banner page to accept the Terms of Service. (New accounts only) Banner page

Update your account recovery details and click Done. (New accounts only) Recovery options

Select your country, opt out of email updates, and accept the updated Terms of Service and click Accept. (New accounts only) Updated ToS

Launch Google Cloud Shell

Click the menu icon in the upper left-hand corner of the Dashboard to hide the sidebar menu. Menu bar

In the upper right-hand corner of the Dashboard, click on the Cloud Shell icon. Cloud Shell

A welcome page is displayed when launching the Cloud Shell for the first time. Click Start Cloud Shell to proceed. Cloud Shell

The Cloud Shell will appear at the bottom of the Dashboard. Wait a few moments as it provisions and connects to the environment. Bottom shell

You can click on the Open in New Window icon in the Cloud Shell toolbar for a full-sized Cloud Shell display in a new browser tab. New window

You are now ready to use the Cloud Shell.

Ready to config

Create a new GCP project

In the Cloud Shell window, create a new project using the following gcloud projects command.

$ gcloud projects create terraform-ansible-lab

Then we'll need to change the GCP configuration to utilize this project with the following gcloud config command.

$ gcloud config set project terraform-ansible-lab

Confirm the configuration details with the following gcloud config command.

$ gcloud config list