Run the Upgrade playbookΒΆ

The upgrade.yml playbook automates a number of actions related to upgrading the software on a PAN-OS device. It will:

  • Back up the configuration of a PAN-OS device locally.

  • Download and install a new version of PAN-OS, then reboot the system.

  • Polls to see when the firewall is ready again (this is actually the same as the check_ready.yml playbook).

For more information, see the documentation on the modules used:

- hosts: lab_fw
  connection: local

      ip_address: '{{ ip_address }}'
      username: '{{ username | default(omit) }}'
      password: '{{ password | default(omit) }}'
      api_key: '{{ api_key | default(omit) }}'

    # backup_config - Create a backup of the currently running config.
    backup_config: true

    # backup_filename - Filename for running config backup.
    backup_filename: 'ansible-backup-{{ }}.xml'

    # version - Version of PAN-OS to install.
    version: '9.0.8'

    - creds.yml

    - name: Backup device config
        provider: '{{ device }}'
        cmd: 'save config to {{ backup_filename }}'
      when: backup_config|bool

    - name: Install target PAN-OS version
        provider: '{{ device }}'
        version: '{{ version }}'
        restart: true

    - name: Pause for restart
        seconds: 30

    - name: Check to see if device is ready
        provider: '{{ device }}'
        cmd: 'show chassis-ready'
      changed_when: false
      register: result
      until: result is not failed and (result.stdout | from_json).response.result == 'yes'
      retries: 30
      delay: 60

Run the playbook with ansible-playbook:

ansible-playbook -i inventory upgrade.yml --ask-vault-pass



The download and installation of PAN-OS software can be observed using the Tasks button in the bottom right corner of the firewall web UI. After the playbook has completed, login again to the web UI of the firewall and it will show the upgrade to the specified version was performed.
