paloaltonetworks.panos.panos_administrator module – Manage PAN-OS administrator user accounts.
This module is part of the paloaltonetworks.panos collection (version 2.21.3).
To install it, use: ansible-galaxy collection install paloaltonetworks.panos
You need further requirements to be able to use this module,
see Requirements for details.
To use it in a playbook, specify: paloaltonetworks.panos.panos_administrator
New in paloaltonetworks.panos 1.0.0
Manages PAN-OS administrator user accounts.
The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.
pan-python can be obtained from PyPI
pandevice can be obtained from PyPI
Parameter |
Comments |
New plain text password for the admin_username user. If this is not specified, then the password is left as-is. Takes priority over admin_phash |
New password hash for the admin_username user If this is not specified, then the phash is left as-is. |
Admin name. Default: :ansible-option-default:`"admin"` |
Deprecated Use provider to specify PAN-OS connectivity instead. The API key to use instead of generating it using username / password. |
The authentication profile. |
Deprecated Please use paloaltonetworks.panos.panos_commit_firewall, paloaltonetworks.panos.panos_commit_panorama, paloaltonetworks.panos.panos_commit_push instead. Commit changes after creating object. If ip_address is a Panorama device, and device_group or template are also set, perform a commit to Panorama and a commit-all to the device group/template. Choices: |
Admin type - device admin Choices: |
Admin type - device admin, read only Choices: |
When state=gathered. An advanced filtering option to filter results returned from PAN-OS. Refer to the guide discussing gathered_filter for more information. |
Deprecated Use provider to specify PAN-OS connectivity instead. The IP address or hostname of the PAN-OS device being configured. |
This is for Panorama only. Make the user a Panorama admin only Choices: |
Deprecated Use provider to specify PAN-OS connectivity instead. The password to use for authentication. This is ignored if api_key is specified. |
The password profile for this user. |
Deprecated Use provider to specify PAN-OS connectivity instead. The port number to connect to the PAN-OS device on. Default: :ansible-option-default:`443` |
A dict object containing connection details. |
The API key to use instead of generating it using username / password. |
The IP address or hostname of the PAN-OS device being configured. |
The password to use for authentication. This is ignored if api_key is specified. |
The port number to connect to the PAN-OS device on. Default: :ansible-option-default:`443` |
The serial number of a firewall to use for targeted commands. If ip_address is not a Panorama PAN-OS device, then this param is ignored. |
The username to use for authentication. This is ignored if api_key is specified. Default: :ansible-option-default:`"admin"` |
The role based profile. |
Use public key authentication (ssh) |
Admin type - superuser Choices: |
Admin type - superuser, read only Choices: |
(Panorama only) The template this operation should target. Mutually exclusive with template_stack. |
(Panorama only) The template stack this operation should target. Mutually exclusive with template. |
Deprecated Use provider to specify PAN-OS connectivity instead. The username to use for authentication. This is ignored if api_key is specified. Default: :ansible-option-default:`"admin"` |
This is for multi-vsys physical firewalls only. The list of vsys this admin should manage. |
This is for multi-vsys physical firewalls only. The list of vsys this read only admin should manage. |
Use only client certificate authenciation (Web) Choices: |
Checkmode is supported.
Panorama is supported.
Because “request password-hash” does not always generate the same hash with the same password every time, it isn’t possible to tell if the admin’s password is correct or not. Specifying check mode or state=present with admin_password specified will always report changed=True in the return value.
PAN-OS connectivity should be specified using provider or the classic PAN-OS connectivity params (ip_address, username, password, api_key, and port). If both are present, then the classic params are ignored.
If the PAN-OS to be configured is Panorama, either template or template_stack must be specified.
# Configure user "foo"
- name: configure foo administrator
provider: '{{ provider }}'
admin_username: 'foo'
admin_password: 'secret'
superuser: true
Return Values
Common return values are documented here, the following are the fields unique to this module:
Key |
Description |