Ansible Lab Activities

In this activity you will:

  • Set up the initial configuration files
  • Perform basic network configuration
  • Create objects and security rules

Task 1 - Lab Setup

Change into the ansible directory. We'll use it for all of our Ansible files.

$ cd ../ansible

Then, install the Palo Alto Networks Ansible Galaxy role:

$ sudo ansible-galaxy install PaloAltoNetworks.paloaltonetworks

Task 2 - Basic Network Config

Edit the file called inventory with your text editor. This file will contains a list of hosts and host groups that Ansible will communicate with during execution.

Fill in the blank ip_address value with the external IP address of your VM-Series instance.

      ansible_host: ''
      ip_address: ''

Next, edit the file vars.yml and fill in the blank values with the appropriate values from your VM-Series instance.

username: ''
password: ''

NOTE: It's a very poor security practice to store administrative credentials in cleartext files. We're only doing so in this lab for the sake of simplicity. Normally, you would want to use Ansible's Vault functionality to encrypt sensitive variables and decrypt them when playbooks are being run. More information on Ansible Vault may be found here.

Now, create the file network.yml. This will be the playbook that holds the low level networking config for our firewall.

Each playbook needs the following header information to pull in the variables we just defined. Add the following to network.yml:

- name: Network Playbook
  hosts: fw
  connection: local
  gather_facts: false

    - role: PaloAltoNetworks.paloaltonetworks

  - name: Grab auth creds
    include_vars: 'vars.yml'
    no_log: 'yes'

NOTE: Ansible configuration files utilize a format known as YAML (Yet Another Markup Language). Spacing is very important when editing YAML files. Please be sure when copying and pasting to include all spacing as well. All of the task names and parameters should line up properly.

Network Interfaces & Zones

We're going to recreate the same configuration from the Terraform lab in Ansible. Here are examples of the network interfaces and zones we need to create:





Add the following to network.yml:

  - name: Configure eth1/1
      ip_address: '{{ ip_address }}'
      username: '{{ username }}'
      password: '{{ password }}'
      if_name: 'ethernet1/1'
      create_default_route: true
      zone_name: 'L3-trust'
      commit: False

  - name: Configure eth1/2
      ip_address: '{{ ip_address }}'
      username: '{{ username }}'
      password: '{{ password }}'
      if_name: 'ethernet1/2'
      zone_name: 'L3-untrust'
      commit: False

Refer to the module documentation for details on the panos_ethernet module.

Note that Ansible is a little different from Terraform. We have to specify the ip_address, username, and password each time because each module executes independently. Also, we don't have to create the zones as a separate step because they will be created for us if they don't exist.

Run the Playbook

The resulting network.yml playbook should look like this:

- name: Network Playbook
  hosts: fw
  connection: local
  gather_facts: false

    - role: PaloAltoNetworks.paloaltonetworks

  - name: Grab auth creds
    include_vars: 'vars.yml'
    no_log: 'yes'

  - name: Configure eth1/1
      ip_address: '{{ ip_address }}'
      username: '{{ username }}'
      password: '{{ password }}'
      if_name: 'ethernet1/1'
      create_default_route: true
      zone_name: 'L3-trust'
      commit: False

  - name: Configure eth1/2
      ip_address: '{{ ip_address }}'
      username: '{{ username }}'
      password: '{{ password }}'
      if_name: 'ethernet1/2'
      zone_name: 'L3-untrust'
      commit: False

Save and exist the network.yml file. Then run your playbook with the following command:

$ ansible-playbook -i inventory network.yml

Log in to the GUI of your firewall and verify that the configuration matches the examples above. Because we specified commit: False for each module call in our playbook, the changes have only been made to the candidate configuration and have not been committed.

If you get errors, indentation is most likely the problem. Once you fix any errors, run the playbook again and the firewall should now have your desired config.

Task 3 - Objects and Security Rule Creation

Create a new file rules.yml, and add the same header information from the network config task.

- name: Rulebase Playbook
  hosts: fw
  connection: local
  gather_facts: false

    - role: PaloAltoNetworks.paloaltonetworks

  - name: Grab auth creds
    include_vars: 'vars.yml'
    no_log: 'yes'

Here is an example of the address object we will create:

WordPress Server

Add the following to rules.yml:

  - name: Add address object for WordPress server
      ip_address: '{{ ip_address }}'
      username: '{{ username }}'
      password: '{{ password }}'
      operation: 'add'
      addressobject: 'wordpress server'
      address: ''
      description: 'Internal server'

Refer to the module documentation for more details on the panos_object module.

Here is an example of the security rules we will create:

Security Policy

Add the following to rules.yml:

  - name: Add WordPress Traffic rule
      ip_address: '{{ ip_address }}'
      username: '{{ username }}'
      password: '{{ password }}'
      operation: 'add'
      rule_name: 'Wordpress Traffic'
      source_zone: ['L3-untrust']
      destination_zone: ['L3-trust']
      destination_ip: ['wordpress server']
      application: ['web-browsing']
      action: 'allow'
      commit: False

  - name: Add Outbound rule
      ip_address: '{{ ip_address }}'
      username: '{{ username }}'
      password: '{{ password }}'
      operation: 'add'
      rule_name: 'Outbound'
      source_zone: ['L3-trust']
      destination_zone: ['L3-untrust']
      action: 'allow'
      commit: False

  - name: Add Default Deny rule
      ip_address: '{{ ip_address }}'
      username: '{{ username }}'
      password: '{{ password }}'
      operation: 'add'
      rule_name: 'Default Deny'
      action: 'deny'
      commit: False

Refer to the module documentation for more details on the panos_security_rule module.

Run the Playbook

Your final, full rules.yml playbook should look like this:

- name: Rulebase Playbook
  hosts: fw
  connection: local
  gather_facts: false

    - role: PaloAltoNetworks.paloaltonetworks

  - name: Grab auth creds
    include_vars: 'vars.yml'
    no_log: 'yes'

  - name: Add address object for WordPress server
      ip_address: '{{ ip_address }}'
      username: '{{ username }}'
      password: '{{ password }}'
      operation: 'add'
      addressobject: 'wordpress server'
      address: ''
      description: 'Internal server'

  - name: Add WordPress Traffic rule
      ip_address: '{{ ip_address }}'
      username: '{{ username }}'
      password: '{{ password }}'
      operation: 'add'
      rule_name: 'Wordpress Traffic'
      source_zone: ['L3-untrust']
      destination_zone: ['L3-trust']
      destination_ip: ['wordpress server']
      application: ['web-browsing']
      action: 'allow'
      commit: False

  - name: Add Outbound rule
      ip_address: '{{ ip_address }}'
      username: '{{ username }}'
      password: '{{ password }}'
      operation: 'add'
      rule_name: 'Outbound'
      source_zone: ['L3-trust']
      destination_zone: ['L3-untrust']
      action: 'allow'
      commit: False

  - name: Add Default Deny rule
      ip_address: '{{ ip_address }}'
      username: '{{ username }}'
      password: '{{ password }}'
      operation: 'add'
      rule_name: 'Default Deny'
      action: 'deny'
      commit: False

Save and exit the rules.yml file. Then run your playbook with the following command:

$ ansible-playbook -i inventory rules.yml

Log in to the web UI of the firewall and verify that the configuration matches the examples above. Remember that your changes haven't been committed. If you get errors indentation is most likely the problem.

You're done with the Ansible portion of the lab.